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What your golf clothing says about you

Do you dress to impress or is your outfit a secondary thought when you’re out on the course? Whatever you choose, it says a lot about the type of golfer you are…

04 December 2015 2 minute read What your golf clothing says about you

You can tell a lot by the way someone dresses. A sharp suit, shiny shoes and expensive tie suggests business success, while jeans, t-shirt and trainers say they’re a bit more laid back. But it can go deeper than that, from the colour of a shirt to the length of a skirt.

The same applies on the golf course and in the clubhouse. If you’ve invited a friend to play a round with you for the first time, you’ll get a good insight into the sort of game to expect by what they’re wearing…

The pro

You know you’re in for a challenge when this person turns up. From the tips of their professional golf shoes all the way to the peak of their cap, you can tell they mean business.

It’s not flashy or over the top – their outfit is all about high-end sporting wear and functionality over fashion. In fact, if you stood them in a line up alongside Rory McIlroy, Tiger Woods and Jordan Spieth you’d be hard pressed to tell which one isn’t the pro.

Signature piece

The MacWet gloves – these golfers will be playing at the top of their game no matter what the weather’s like.

All the gear, no idea

At the opposite end of the scale is the player who believes that dressing as a golfer is more important than actually playing like a golfer. They’ll have all the newest high-tech equipment and clothing but without a clue how to use it. Their outfit will be covered in big, brash labels that scream, ‘I’m a golfer’.

Signature piece

While the GPS range finder is popular among these types we’re going to go for the anti-slice tee. A good carpenter doesn’t blame his tools.

Golf Gear

First timer

You’ve been kind enough to provide a friend with a guest pass to your local course, hoping for a good round of golf. And they turn up in t-shirt, trainers and jeans. Even worse, they’ve only come equipped with a driver, 7 iron and putter.

There’s no pretence or posing in this outfit - it’s simple and straightforward. But you worry how their footing will hold up on the slick green without their spikes on and what their plans are if it starts to rain – which it inevitably will.

Signature piece

A polo shirt – they’ve seen golfers on TV and are pretty sure this is what they all wear.

Golf Wear

The casual golfer

These players can be a bit harder to pick out. Their outfit will be a mix of classic golfing pieces like traditional golf trousers and everyday items such as a comfy wool jumper.

What they do have tends to be good quality – probably bought as a present – while the rest of the outfit is simply stuff from their wardrobe that they’ve classed as suitable for the fairway.

Signature piece

A decent cagoule. They’ve played enough times that they know you have to stay dry but haven’t yet invested in a high-performing windproof and waterproof top.

The show off

These are the worst types – similar to ‘all the gear but no idea’ types but with the ability to hit a 300-yard drive every now and then.

They’ll have all the quality gear of the pro but in the most garish colours possible. Unlike the pro, they want you – and everyone at the club – to know that they can play.

Signature piece

Brightly coloured trousers – they’ll be fully waterproof, fit like a glove and will probably be the most comfortable trousers you’ve  ever worn, but they won't be to everyone's taste.